WT069C SE 2XTLED Bare L1200 GM
The WT069C SE 2XTLED Bare L1200 is suitable LED T8 tube. The product provides a natural lighting effect for use in general lighting applications, as well as instant energy savings - an environmentally friendly solulation.
Product data
Power (Rated) (Nom): 36W
Length: 1200mm
Voltage (Nom): 220-240V
If you are interested in, please leave a inquiry, thanks!!!
Contact: Henry Zhou
Phone: +86-13626551830
Tel: +86-577-55773828
Whatsapp: +86-13626551830
Email: reelen@reelen.com.cn
Add: Xiangyang Industrial Zone,Liushi Town, Yueqing, Zhejiang, China. 325619